XDC — Issue #15

Crypto Wealth Builders
2 min readJan 27, 2022

Thank you all for reading another issue. If you haven’t done so already, join my free discord community. It is a community of like-minded individuals that care about cryptocurrency, NFTs, and the metaverse. We also have an exclusive section for those that want to dive deeper into this lifestyle, so definitely check it out!

Today, we will talk about XDC, and I promise, I’ll make it short and sweet.

What Is XDC and How Is It Unique?

XDC is the native cryptocurrency of the XDC network. The XDC network is made up of both public and private networks. This is a unique feature for organizations that do not always want to transact on an open ledger. The XDC network is a completely decentralized ecosystem, boasting over 1082 masternodes.

What Is The Use-Case For XDC?

XDC has many potential use-cases, but the main use case that the XDC community discusses most is Trade Finance. Trade Finance is a $100 billion market. When companies trade goods with each other across borders, there are many contracts and large amounts of money that are moved. XDC makes trade finance faster, cheaper and more efficient through their product TradeFinex. This product is a central console that allows buyers/suppliers to improve cash flow.

Thank you for reading this short summary of XDC and happy investing :)

Benjamin Saint



Crypto Wealth Builders

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